The Blue Economy |
We partner with nonprofits and companies to develop CRM solutions to transform your operations and drive your sustainability development goals
Sustainability solution, blue economy, esg software, salesforce sustainability
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The Blue Economy is…

A sustainable ocean and coastal economy strategy that leverages science and technology for data-driven solutions, promoting economic growth, community well-being, and environmental preservation.

How EpiGrowth is Involved

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasize global action for environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainable development.  We’ve aligned the critical role of oceans in supporting specific SDG goals through sustainable management and conservation of marine resources, which are essential for ongoing economic development within the Blue Economy.


EpiGrowth is looking to partner with nonprofits, NGOs, private companies, and venture funds to drive these emerging fields and initiatives:

Our Blue Economy Partnerships

EpiGrowth is partnering with these organizations to digitally transform their business operations with CRM tools. Together we are unlocking the growth potential for the Blue Economy initiatives and industry:

“Our mission is to get islands and countries around the world to legislatively mandate a commitment to 100% renewable energy by 2045.”


Henk Rogers

Blue Planet Alliance founder

Download Our Whitepaper

Fill out our web form to receive a whitepaper on EpiGrowth’s recommended approach to building a scalable CRM system for those organizations focusing on the Blue Economy. Together, let’s drive sustainable growth and make a lasting impact on the economy, communities and environment.


Contact EpiGrowth today to learn about how we can help your organization thrive.